CLEAN SLATE Premiere: Collaboration with Jude Griebel

Click the photo to see this post on Jude Griebel’s instagram account.

Click the photo to see this post on Jude Griebel’s instagram account.


Clean Slate will be premiering on Pioneer Works’ Broadcast this Friday. Please join us in watching the release.

We were thrilled to have 3 of our creators collaborate on this project, build experience in their area of skill and pursue professional pathways in media production and the arts.

Below is the content from the post above from artist Jude Griebel. Original post link here.

Hi friends, I am excited that my first animation work, Clean Slate, will be premiering on Pioneer Works’ Broadcast this Friday. I created this work in collaboration with @productions_spectrum , a fantastic organization in Montreal that allows youths on the autism spectrum to gain experience in the area of film and media production. It was kindly supported by an @canada.council digital accelerator grant and @pioneerworks where I completed it in residence. It was also especially supported by my pal @dantenveen who stayed up for 48 hours fussing over details with me. Music by @jjeromethefirst.
Clean Slate details the destruction of a miniature city by an anthropomorphic storm symbolizing climate shift, and the re-wildling of the city’s ruins. The story is told through combinations of traditional puppeteering, constructed sets and animated effects. The work could be described as an optimistic, handmade disaster movie, in which a clean slate is created for a new ecology to take shape. Though playful in its cartoon and craft sensibilities, the animation touches on collective anxieties surrounding our unsustainable future and the physical and psychological fallout.
#animation #canadacounilforthearts #digitaloriginals #canadianart #brooklynart


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