Christopher Dymond was born on the 7th of March in 1994, in Greenfield Park. He likes to draw, watch movies and play video games. When it comes to favorite films, he’s a huge fan of Star Wars, Tim Burton Films, Mel Brooks comedy films. He’s also a fan of film and soundtracks.
When he was in his final year of college, he joined Spectrum Productions near the end of 2014. He learned how to edit videos and how to direct and also operate sound. Some time afterwards he began working with Spectrum Productions on paid contracts. Ever since late 2015, he's been directing and editing Peter Papaioannou's Sweets with Pete cooking videos. He's also been involved in a lot of videos that other participants made, either appearing in them, or helping with the filming / editing. He is proficient when it comes to using Adobe Premiere Pro, and is currently improving on more of its features. He's also an expert when it comes to synching the footage and audio together using the computer app, 'Pluraleyes'.
Chris has attended programs at spectrum productions for six years. For the last four years he has been a participant of the Creative Media Lab (CML). Over the years, Chris has created a wide range of personal video projects from comedies to documentaries, learning the technical skills necessary to move into his current role as part of this team at Spectrums video production company.
Chris has logged over 500+ plus hours of paid contract work for Spectrum as a camera operator and editor on several high profile productions. He is also the director and editor for a weekly cooking show called the Sweets with Pete featured on Spectrums YouTube channel.
Chris mentoring March Break Camp attendees
Filming Sweets with Pete
Labyrinthe Atypique: the VR project Chris created with TOPO team
Sweets with Pete (On going Series )My Documentary
MACART symposium (Toronto)
Azrieli Foundation Donation Thank you Video – McGill University Neuro
Department CAP Canadian Autism Partnership National Promo
Autism Ontario – Housing Promo (Toronto)
Autism Awareness Senate Committee Initiative (Ottawa)
Lead Camera: Geneva Centre for Autism - Symposium Video
Sweets with Pete (On going Series)
MACART symposium – Assistant Editor
Autism Ontario – Housing Promo (Assistant Editor)
My Documentary
Adobe Premiere CC, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe After Effects(beginner), Plural Eyes
Camera Operation DSLR’s
The Creator Profile project is generously supported by Fondation Roger Roy, and Desjardins Caisse des Versant du Mont Royal.