Camp One of 2021 Was a Lot of Fun!


It was awesome to do our first camp this year! We were able to film in the studio with one group and make an animated film with another group!

An Among Us Crewmate cutout meets Michael's new bird model

An Among Us Crewmate cutout meets Michael's new bird model

Costume by Lila

Costume by Lila

Note to the cautious viewer, we held our breath and pulled down our masks for just 5 seconds for the photo!

Note to the cautious viewer, we held our breath and pulled down our masks for just 5 seconds for the photo!

Hybrid group

William, Jakub and Nicolas of the Portal Masters group were directed by Anthony, the head producer, along with the assistant producers, Liam and Michael. It was a good mix of online and in studio work, and it was a pleasant return to normal! The time we had in the studio to ourselves was great! We got to use the green screen room and it was super convenient to have all the gear there! Taking the participants' ideas and bringing them all together was a challenge, but everyone was super adaptable to the situation and was enthusiastic to make a brand new film!

There’s an extension to the video game cinematic universe, and some characters from Into  the Shatterverse are returning to this film! 

Everyone played their characters in a super compelling way and had some fun on set, including a blooper of mixing up the weapons! 

Get ready for the most absurd, crazy, crossover of video game characters you’ve ever seen! It’s so funny and full of references!


Animation group

Bruce, David and Akira of the Retro School films group, were directed by Katie, the production head, along with Noah and Melissa, the production assistants.

The participants came to the camp with some amazing ideas and collaborated quickly to make a short film. They had lots of fun improvising with their characters and made a comedy about video game characters thrown into a Looney Tunes style show. 

Making an animated film from home was much simpler this year as everyone had their own tools to work with, and everyone was eager to use their talents! Also voice acting was super fun for everyone! 

The film is a real throwback to classic cartoons with contemporary characters and the art is beautiful!

Cat show and tell on zoom

Cat show and tell on zoom


We asked the participants and staff to share their favorite anecdotes

Learning how to rig stuff and animate them was super fun! -David

Using tape to make a makeshift costume! -Lila

Playing the ukulele! -Nicolas

Making the video game costumes. -Maddie

Making and showing everyone stuff I was really proud of! -Akira

Winning a billion a game that wasn’t real... -Noah

Recording dialogue and listening to the montage, also creating fun animations! -Melissa

The burger drop joke! -Katie

Voice recording for my character! -Bruce

Making a new character named Boy! -Michael

Playing Friday Night Funkin for the first time -Anthony

Pistol! I threw a blooper in on purpose! -William

Filming Redhot and him flipping and rolling all over the set! -Liam

Filming in the green screen room and William did a pistol instead of a fireball! -Jakub

Getting sound effects for our big project! -Zof

Leo’s cat meowing into the microphone! -Sev

When my cat turned off my laptop! -Leo

As you can tell we had a lot of fun and it’s great to return to our old schedule! We’re so grateful for everyone who participated in this camp and has supported us through this weird time! We are really getting back into the fun of filmmaking and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve made at the Gala this year!

Now onto Advanced Camp!!!


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