Alex Ponte
Alex Ponte is 27 years old and has been coming to Spectrum since 2018. He started in Production Club editing short videos from his favourite titles like Tintin, Marvel and Murder on the Orient Express.
Since that time, he has debuted two original characters: Dr Stephen Shawking, a misunderstood scientist who likes to experiment with volatile substances and first appeared in Bionuke, and Violet Hawk, a mythical hero with a samurai and bird form who first appeared in Bookworm: The Blackout Quest.
The film he starred in to come out this year is Mystical Sword, a hilarious film full of adventure and fun characters!
Alex as Dr Shawking in BioNuke
Alex making a cameo appearance as Dr Shawking in the Halloween Special
A samurai version of Violet Hawk from Bookworm: The Blackout Quest
The Creator Profile project is generously supported by Fondation Roger Roy, and Desjardins Caisse des Versant du Mont Royal.